Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 1, 2008

:-) Awe...

This first shot proves she just might be a runner like mommy!

Here's the run down of our appointment at the University of Chicago today... We just got, long morning...but overall, good. First of all, the rush hour traffic on the way there was insane, but luckily we left early enough we got there on time (well, early actually). So after making a fool out of myself driving in the city, then asking crazy questions and not knowing where the heck to go....we found the place. We met with the genetic counselor who was VERY informative and did what every regular doctor office should do. She went through all of my records and previous ultrasounds with us and explained what measurements meant what....and explained the heart thing more. She talked about some stats of downs syndrome and gave us her direct number to call her with any other questions we might have. She was SO helpful.
After that, we went to the ultrasound room. A tech did the ultrasound and confirmed once again, it's a girl. Phew! :-) She also printed some 4D shots for us and we got to see our baby 's face and stuff. It was so exciting. Once again, I was blown away at how amazing technology and the miracle of life is! I love ultrasounds. It's so cool to see the baby. Of course, I think she's the cutest thing ever. :-)
Then, a dr. came in and looked at the heart again....explained that it wasn't a defect but just a dense area of muscle, and said they didn't see anything else that turned up as a marker for downs syndrome, so she didn't think we needed to worry (Not that I would worry if my baby had down syndrome. I learned that the risk is small today, and so if my baby does have downs syndrome, that makes me know how even more special she is because God wants her that way!) SO.........we were there 3 hours (woah) and then on the way home Jason took me to Panera! :-) Most of you who know me well know how passionate I am about that place! :-)
I am thankful we had the opportunity to go today. This has definitely eased some confusion for us....and reminded me that God is in control no matter what!


Stacy said...

she is so beautiful already! i am glad things went well

Renee said...

I'm so happy for you! Your daughter is beautiful...I think she looks like her Mommy!! Isn't it amazing how much you can see at those 4d ultrasounds?!? LOVE IT!

Twila and Scott said...

WOW! Such a relief to hear everything is okay. But I am like you if God gives me a baby with needs then Scott and I were meant to have a child with a disability. It is so nice to hear others have such an accepting outlook : ) Hope you are feeling great!

Twila and Scott said...

WOW! Such a relief to hear everything is okay. But I am like you if God gives me a baby with needs then Scott and I were meant to have a child with a disability. It is so nice to hear others have such an accepting outlook : ) Hope you are feeling great!